Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Premna acuminata R.Br.

Brown, R. (1810) Prodromus Florae Novae Hollandiae : 512. Type: Northern coast of Queensland, location uncertain, R. Brown s.n., 1802-1805; lecto: BM; iso: MEL. Fide Munir, A. A. (1984).
A small tree seldom exceeding 30 cm dbh.
Leaf blades about 6-8 x 3-4 cm, petioles about 3-4 cm long, sometimes almost as long as the leaf blade. Midrib raised on the upper surface of the leaf blade. Leaf bearing twigs puberulent.
Panicles approximating or exceeding the leaves. Calyx +/- 2-lipped and four or 5-toothed, about 1.5-2.5 mm long, pubescent and often somewhat rugose, glabrous on the inner surface. Corolla pubescent outside, densely villous inside, about 5-7 mm long, tube +/- cylindrical, almost twice as long as the calyx. Style about 5-6 mm long, stigma shortly 2-lobed.
Features not available.