Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Romnalda ophiopogonoides Conran, P.I.Forst. & Donnon
Conran, J.G., Forster, P.I. & Donnon, M. (2008) Telopea 12(2): 173. Type: Queensland: Cook District: Mount Sorrow track before razorback, Daintree National Park, 2.5 km W of Cape Tribulation, P.I. Forster 21988, R. Booth, R. Jago & R. Jensen, 2 Dec 1997 (BRI [1 sheet + spirit]). (Iso: MEL, QRS).
Plants 10-15 cm tall, tufted to clump forming. Stems to c. 6 cm long, branching, erect with wiry, stilt-like adventitious supporting roots.
Inflorescence 8-20 cm long, simple or few-branched; peduncle dark purplish green; flowers clustered in axils and along branches. Flowers white, each subtended by a small, brownish purple persistent bract. Sepals and petals similar in appearance. Outer perianth whorl of 3 sepals deltoid, 3.0-3.5 mm long, and 1-2 mm wide, abaxial apex purple. Inner perianth whorl of 3 petals ovate-elliptic, 3.5-4 mm long and 1.1-1.4 mm wide. Stamen filaments basally narrow-triangular, pale cream, outer 3 to 2.0 mm long, fused basally to sepals for 0.25 mm, inner 3 to 2.0 mm long, fused basally to sepals for 0.75 mm; anthers c. 0.6 mm long. Ovary minute.
Not available.