Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Rubus moluccanus var. trilobus A.R.Bean

Bean, A.R. (1997) Austrobaileya 5: 45. Type: New South Wales. Northern Tablelands: Giro State Forest, 10 Dec. 1996, A. R. Bean 11477 (holo: BRI; iso: K, L, MEL, NSW).
Raspberry, Native; Native Raspberry; Molucca Bramble; Raspberry
Usually flowers and fruits as a weak-stemmed shrub about 1-2 m tall.
Stipules about 6-10 mm long, lacinate or the margins deeply lobed, attached to the stems, not the petioles. Leaf blades about 8 x 8-9 cm, petioles about 3 cm long. Recurved thorns usually present on the stems and petioles. Leaves +/- 3-lobed, densely felty hairy on the underside but mainly glabrous on the upper surface except for hairs along the midrib and major veins.
Cotyledons elliptic, about 3 x 2 mm, apex glandular, retuse or rounded, base rounded, margins sparsely hairy. First pair of leaves simple, margins lobed, petioles long, glandular hairs usually visible with a lens. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade +/- cordate. Spines present on the stem, petiole and midrib on the underside of the leaf blade. Stipules hairy, filiform, about 6-8 mm long, margins usually lobed or fimbriate, Bud, stem, petiole and both the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf blade hairy. Seed germination time 71 to 80 days.
Endemic to Australia, occurs in NEQ, CEQ and southwards to Victoria. Altitudinal range in NEQ from 700-1200 m. Usually grows in wet sclerophyll forest but also found on the margins of rain forest in upland and mountain areas.