Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition

Stephania japonica var. timoriensis (DC.) Forman

Slender Vine
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Female flowers. © CSIRO
Scale bar 10mm. © CSIRO

Forman, L.L. (1956) Kew Bulletin 11: 55.

Common name

Vine, Snake; Snake Vine; Tape Vine; Vine, Tape


A slender vine not exceeding a stem diameter of 2 cm.


Leaf blades about 4-8 x 4-7 cm, petioles about 3 cm long.


Female flowers: Inflorescence a panicle of umbels or heads. Individual flowers about 0.8-1 mm diam. Sepals 5-8, outer surface clothed in long worm-like cellular hairs. Petals 2-4, much shorter than the sepals. Ovary about 1 mm long. Stigmas 3, sessile. Ovules 1 per ovary.


Fruits about 6-8 x 6-7 mm. Endocarp spiny or rugose, about 5-6 x 4-5 mm.


Features not available.

Distribution and Ecology

Occurs in NT, CYP, NEQ, CEQ and southwards as far as south-eastern Queensland. Altitudinal range in northern Australia from near sea level to 700 m. Grows in lowland and upland rain forest. Also occurs in Asia and Malesia.

Cocculus japonicus (Thunb.) DC. var. timoriensis DC., Prod. 1: 96(1824), Type: Timor, A. Zippelinus s.n. Holo: G. Cocculus forsteri DC., Syst. Nat. 1: 517(1817), Type: Tahiti?, J.R. & G. Forster. Holo: ? Fide P.S. Green, Flora Australia 49: 54 (1994). Stephania forsteri (DC.) A.Gray, United States Exploring Expedition (Wilkes Expedition) Botany. Phanerogamia 1: 36(1854). Stephania forsteri (DC.) A. Gray, U.S. Expl. Exped., Phan. 1: 36(1854).
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