Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Syzygium monospermum Craven

Craven, L. (2003) Blumea 48: 486. Type: Queensland, VCL Noah, 7 nov. 1973, B. Hyland 2960RFK; Holo: CANB; Iso: QRS.
Satinash, Daintree; Daintree Satinash
Tree to 17 m tall, trunk with slits leading to hollows inhabited by ants. Bark reddish brown, smooth.
Inflorescence on warty outgrowths on the trunk, 2 or more flowered, cymose or racemose. Filaments yellow to yellowish cream. Hypanthium visibly gland dotted. Sepals 4, inner pair larger than outer pair, persistent. Petals 4, deciduous 16-20 x 14-21 mm. Stamens all fertile, outermost 17-30 mm long. Style 25-35 mm long.
Mature fruit white, 38-40 x 36-41 mm, pericarp adhering to the seed and with peg-like intrusions into the seed. Seed 1, 30 mm diameter; embryo with the cotyledons readily separable.
Cataphylls about 2 or 3 pairs. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade obovate or elliptic-obovate, apex short acuminate, base auriculate or obtuse, glabrous; oil dots small. Stems square in transverse section. Seed germination time 15 to 39 days.