Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Pandanus conicus H.St.John

St John, H. (1960) Pacific Science 14 : 234. Type: Queensland, Leo Creek, Upper Nesbit River, 16 Aug. 1948, Brass 19866; holo: BRI.
Screw Palm; Pine, Screw; Screw Pine; Pandan; Palm, Screw
Tree to ca. 10 m tall, branches somewhat spreading. Prop roots are present, ca. 40-50 cm long, slender. Numerous spiny conical nodules (warty) on trunk. Plants male or female.
A terminal spike. Male flowers: Inflorescence with floral bracts about 1 m long; flowers fragrant; iInflorescence about 40 cm long; stamens about 18-22 in each flower; pollen white; staminal filaments thick and fleshy; anthers twisting like a corkscrew after dehiscence. Female flowers: Inflorescences globular or ovoid, about 30-40 mm diam., enclosed in pale leaf-like bracts until maturity; flowers numerous (more than 100 in each inflorescence); individual flowers sessile, conical, hard, 12-14 are grouped into segments (phalanges).
First pair of leaves linear, sessile, apex aristate, margins usually armed with a few spines towards the apex. Venation longitudinal. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade linear, sessile, apex aristate, margins and the midrib on the underside of the leaf blade armed with sharp spines. Marginal spines pointing upwards, midrib spines pointing downwards. Venation longitudinal, midrib depressed on the upper surface of the leaf blade. Seed germination time 18 to 456 days.
Occurs in CYP, from Cape York south to Silver Plains. Altitudinal range from near sea level to 500 m. Grows as an understory plant in rainforest, vine thickets and mangrove margins.