Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Endiandra grayi B.Hyland

Hyland, B.P.M. (1989) Australian Systematic Botany 2: 231. Type: B. Gray 3305, Portion 188, Parish of Alexandra, 13.xii.1983 (QRS, holotypus).
Buttresses usually well developed, often convex in outline particularly on the larger trees. White longitudinal stripes normally visible in the outer blaze.
Twigs fluted and densely clothed in tortuous hairs when young but eventually becoming almost glabrous. Leaf blades about 11.5-14.5 x 3.5-5 cm, glaucous on the underside, clothed in tortuous, erect, brown or rusty brown hairs when young but eventually becoming almost glabrous. Midrib depressed on the upper surface. Petioles flat or channelled on the upper surface. Oil dots visible with a lens.
Fruits ellipsoid, globular or ovoid, sometimes laterally compressed, about 50-65 x 35-50 mm. Seeds about 40-54 x 27-38 mm. Cotyledons cream.
First pair of leaves narrowly elliptic, about 85-140 x 37-55 mm, glaucous on the underside. At the tenth leaf stage: leaf blade ovate to elliptic, apex acuminate, glaucous on the underside, hairy on both the upper and lower surfaces mainly along the midrib and lateral veins; oil dots visible with a lens; petiole and stem densely clothed in reddish brown tortuous hairs. Seed germination time 34 to 86 days.
This species grows large enough to produce millable logs. Wood specific gravity 1.00. Hyland (1989).