Australian Tropical Rainforest Plants - Online edition
Pleioluma queenslandica (P.Royen) Swenson

Swenson, U. et al (2013) Taxon 62(4): 765.
Blush Coondoo; Tormenta; Plum Box; Coondoo Boxwood; Box, Plum; Boxwood, Coondoo
Outer blaze dark red-brown. Exudate quite conspicuous, although not copious.
Sepals ovate, about 1.5-3 x 1.5-3 mm, whitish puberulous on the outer surface, ferruginously sericeous on the inner surface. Corolla about 3-5 mm long. Stamens inserted on the lower quarter of the corolla, filaments about 1.2 mm long, anthers about 1 mm long. Staminodes oblong, about 1-1.5 mm long. Ovary about 2-5 mm long. Style 5-ribbed, about 4-5 mm long.
Features not available.
Produces a useful general purpose timber.
Wood specific gravity 0.70. Cause et al. (1989).
Pouteria queenslandica (P.Royen) Jessup, Austrobaileya 6: 161 (2001).Beccariella queenslandica (P.Royen) Aubrev., Adansonia ser. 2 3: 335(1964). Planchonella queenslandica P.Royen, Blumea 8: 341(1955), Type: Queensland, Eungetta Mts (Eungella?), Haines 136 Q; holo: K. Planchonella laurifolia (A.Rich.) Pierre, [Misapplied name].